About Us
Our mission is to help preserve Planet Earth for future generations by advocating for and promoting environmental stewardship globally, together with the United Nations, government, business, and civil society. We also bring to life the ideal of “think globally, act locally” by engaging with the local community and elected officials to advocate for renewable energy and an environmentally sustainable economy.
NGO Sustainability is a member of the UN Global Compact. We believe the growing combination of corporate sustainability and social responsibility (ESG,CSR) is crucial to mitigating the effects of climate change.
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are central to the work of NGO Sustainability, focusing on Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG #7) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (SDG #9) Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG #11) Climate Action (SDG #13) Life Below Water (SDG #14) and Partnerships for the Goals (SDG #17).

Our Newsletter, “Global Warning,” spreads awareness and information on the latest policies and cutting edge technologies in the world of sustainability, climate change mitigation, and renewable energy to schools, libraries, and our extensive mailing list.
Other publications include our annual University Sustainability Report, detailing the sustainability efforts and achievements at our interns' respective universities.
We also publish an annual Sustainable Fashion Guide that highlights the latest sustainable fashion brands and broader environmental intiatives in the fashion industry.
We host Side Events at the United Nations with outstanding guest speakers and panelists focusing on the UN agenda and the leading issues, technologies, and policies concerning climate change and sustainability globally.
NGO Sustainability is:
A registered 501(c)(3) corporation. Donations are tax-deductible.
Supported by a selection of accomplished Board of Directors (link).
Able to provide consultation for both public and private organizations and companies.
A host of many events at the United Nations and in the greater Metropolitan area, which you can attend as a member
For further information, please contact ngosustainability@gmail.com