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Our Partners


Central and North Punjab Women’s Chamber of Commerce & Industry (WCCI)

WCCI promotes and develops female entrepreneurship in Pakistan. The Chamber provides a one-window facility whereby women are able to voice their concerns, receive an opportunity to interact with both local and international individuals and facilities, and be introduced to outlets for research and development.


Visit their website for more information:

Bangladesh Women Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BWCCI)

BWCCI promotes women and their earning potentials through business education in product development, information technology, micro-finance, and the legal procedures of business. It establishes business communication centers and serves as a loan guarantor for Bangladeshi women entrepreneurs.


Visit their website for more information:


UN Habitat

UN-Habitat is a program mandated by the UN General Assembly that creates resilient, sustainable, and inclusive urban environments. UN-Habitat promotes policy, training, knowledge, and collaboration with all parties to create the urban centers of tomorrow.


The Deputy Executive Director of UN-Habitat, Michal Mlynár, is an important special advisor to NGO Sustainability. NGO Sustainability has consultative status with the UN and all their specialized agencies including UN Habitat. 

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

UNEP works with local governments, private entities, and citizens to tackle global environmental challenges. UNEP's mission is “to inspire, inform, and enable nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations” by providing scientific data and research to foster positive environmental change through policy-making. UNEP provides consults with and helps nations reach various international goals, including the Paris Climate Agreement and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


NGO Sustainability has on-site representation in Nairobi, Kenya to UNEP, board member Koki Muli Grignon.

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